Recint de Fires i Mercats
de Castelló.

Abonaments 2 dies, Vip,
entrades de divendres
entrades de dissabte i entrades menors.

Viernes 20 de octubre
Saturday 21 October, from 18:00 to 1:00 Av. Gardens of
Sta. Maria Fray A. Alcalde 10, Guadalajara
Saturday 21 October, from 18:00 to 1:00 Av. Gardens of
Sta. Maria Fray A. Alcalde 10, Guadalajara
Saturday 21 October, from 18:00 to 1:00 Av. Gardens of
Sta. Maria Fray A. Alcalde 10, Guadalajara

growing up
Red Pier is a festival that wants to grow and position itself as a musical benchmark for urban music in the Valencian community and in the rest of Spain. Red Pier wants to be the festival of the city of Castellón.
For this purpose, in addition to the realization of the two days of the event, we intend to participate and collaborate throughout the year both with the different entities, associations, administrations both public and private and with all the artists and people who show us their artistic and cultural concerns of urban art
In Castellón
The most iconic concert in Castellón, with the best Rock music
Red Pier Fest is presented in its new format as a first-line cultural and musical project linked to the strategy of positioning and economic dynamization of the city of Castellón for its maritime, industrial and touristic heritage.

RED PIER FEST wants to become a cultural dynamizer festival in the province of Castellón, being something more than a festival as currently conceived by the vast majority.
From Red Pier Fest we want to promote actions that help generate a cultural activity around music as a backbone, enriching itself with other artistic expressions and that can be accessed by different age ranges and geographical areas of the province.
When we talk about "accessing" we do it in a double sense, because on the one hand we are talking about access to these actions by participants and on the other hand we can transfer the results of the same to different populations and collectives.